Capturing the beauty and dignity of traditional cultures around the world, Joy is an amazing artist. Her ability to portray places and people in both public and intimate settings draws the viewer into the heart of the people and play they are viewing.
"Creative expression takes on many forms, depending on the inspiration in the moment.
Most of my medium of choice has been oil painting but this past year I have almost exclusively painted water color." says Joy, in an interview with McKenzie, Fine Arts Curator for Soli Deo.
Mckenzie: How do you get in the creative zone?
Joy: I don't think I do anything to get into the creative zone. It's more like inspiration hits me and drags me into it. If I haven't created anything in awhile I feel restless, like something is going to explode inside of me if I don't find a creative outlet.
McKenzie: What or Who inspires you?
Joy: I am most inspired by cultures around the world. I'm fascinated by the variety and beauty that exists even in very simplistic and rustic settings.
McKenzie: How did you start making art?
Joy: I've been making art my whole life. I make it because I can't not make it. I make it to help others see beauty in places they might not otherwise. I make it to help others see God's love for people, places and cultures I depict.
McKenzie: What is your favorite accomplishment?
Joy: When I was just starting out with my career, my work was featured on the cover of Southwest Art Magazine, as part of their annual "21 under 31," article about emerging artists. Shortly after that I sold every painting in an exhibition.
McKenzie: What's the greatest opposing force you have encountered on your creative journey?
Joy: Probably myself. It took me years to feel comfortable with my identity as an artist, to not feel guilty about spending my time doing something I thought others perceived as wholly unpractical and frivolous. The past eight years or so have been a spiritual journey where I have felt God calling me to participate in his creative nature. He has affirmed again and again that making art is profoundly valuable and redemptive, and that it is one thing He has made me to do.
Mckenzie: Tell us about the piece, " A Girl's Dream."
Joy: The piece was inspired by young Uyghur girls who lived in our neighborhood in Xinjiang, China, who were frequent guests in our home, my daughters closest friends. Every young Uyghur girl grows up knowing the graceful gestures of their traditional dance forms. Their heads are full of dreams of what they will become. Tragically, many Uyghur children are watching their families and culture being destroyed right now. I want to tell a different story from what the authorities are telling. These girls and their families are not terrorists, they are a beautiful, generous, and hospitable people deeply loved by God, and their culture should be protected.
McKenzie: What is your most important tool?
Joy: I work best with reference photos that I usually combine or take elements from when planning a piece. The other essential is solitude. I can't believe distracted with conversation or competing input.
McKenzie: Is there an element if are you like working with the most?
Joy: Color, because the variety is endless.
Mckenzie: What was the most difficult aspect about creating this piece?
Joy: It brought up so many emotions for me. I think this was the first piece that I have created that made me cry.
McKenzie: What do you want the audience to know about the piece?
Joy: That the girls hands are in a traditional Uyghur dance pose. People who are not familiar with Central Asian culture might not understand what she is doing.
Mckenzie: If you could share any form of encouragement to other creatives what would you want them to know based on what you have learned within your creative journey?
Joy: God was extravagant in His creative works and calls us to worship by entering into enjoyment of His world. One way we do this is to retell of its beauty through our art. it is not a waste of time to do this, it is worship.
We hope you enjoyed this lovely conversation with Joy. We encourage you to check out her website and take the time to watch "Along The Silk Road: Joy Boswick--The Silk Road Artist," Make and produced by China Radio International in the "My Chinese Life " Series.
Soli Deo
Check Out more of Joy's Work and story: www.joybostwickart.com Instagram: joybostwickart
Loved this interview and the link to the video...MUST WATCH! We lived in Central Asia for some years and I love that you are preserving the culture through your art. I felt at home myself!